It is a photo contest that each year rewards the iconic image of CORRI LA VITA from among all those posted on Instagram by participants in the event.
The winning shot is chosen by a special jury from among the ten most voted images.

2015 Giulia Gambi
2016 Vittorio Petragli
2017 Valeria Barone
2018 Patrizia Messeri
2019 Gregorio Lotti
2020 Matteo Bonan
2021 Gianni Taccetti
2022 Elena Scotto
2023 Cecilia Picchi
2024 Benedetta Chiari



2024 Cosimo I, Giambologna
2023 Marzocco, Donatello
2022 Adamo ed Eva, Lucas Cranach
2021 Stadio Artemio Franchi, Pierluigi Nervi
2020 Ritratto di Agnolo Doni, Raffaello Sanzio
2019 Putto con delfino, Andrea del Verrocchio
2018 La Tramvia
2017 Elettrice Palatina
2016 Arno con Ponte Vecchio
2015 Le Tre Grazie, Sandro Botticelli
2014 Porcellino, Pietro Tacca
2013 Biancone, Bartolomeo Ammannati
2012 Francesco Clemente
2011 Giuseppe Garibaldi
2010 Eleonora di Toledo col figlio Garzia, Agnolo Bronzino
2009 Mercurio, Giambologna
2008 Cosimo I de’ Medici, Agnolo Bronzino
2007 Dante e Beatrice
2006 Duomo di Firenze
2005 Palazzo Vecchio
2004 David, Michelangelo Buonarroti
2003 Venere, Sandro Botticelli



T-shirts: 23.250

Reservations for cultural attractions: 6.783

Funds raised: 387.000 €

Contributed to:
Progetto Eva
, an innovative project for the entire “Area Vasta” (Florence, Prato, Empoli, Pistoia) focused on the fight against breast cancer and assistance to cancer patients;

L.I.L.T. – Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori (Florence Cancer Association) supporting Ce.Ri.On. ISPRO-LILT Centro Riabilitazione Oncologica (Oncology Center in Florence) of Villa delle Rose;

FILE – Fondazione Italiana di Leniterapia Onlus (palliative care association);




T-shirts: 19.300

Reservations for cultural attractions: 5.000

Funds raised: 300.000 €

Contributed to:

Progetto Eva, an innovative project for the entire “Area Vasta” (Florence, Prato, Empoli, Pistoia) focused on the fight against breast cancer and assistance to cancer patients;

L.I.L.T. – Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori (Florence Cancer Association) supporting Ce.Ri.On. ISPRO-LILT Centro Riabilitazione Oncologica (Oncology Center in Florence) of Villa delle Rose;

FILE – Fondazione Italiana di Leniterapia Onlus (palliative care association);




Corri la Vita 2019

Corri la Vita 2019

Corri la Vita 2019

Corri la Vita 2019

duomo_corri la vita 2019

Corri la Vita 2019 - Alia Guagni

Corri la Vita 2019, Large Street Band

corri la vita 2019 lungarno

Corri la Vita 2019

Corri la Vita 2019

Bandierai degli Uffizi

Corri la Vita 2019

Corri la Vita 2019

corri la vita 2019 limonaia

Corri la Vita 2019

corri la vita 2019 persone


Partecipanti: 37.212

Fondi raccolti: 629.000 euro

Progetti sostenuti:
Il Progetto EVA, promosso e messo a punto in collaborazione con LILT (Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori, Sezione di Firenze), per sostenere le donne malate di tumore rispetto alle problematiche legate alle conseguenze delle cure nell’intera Area Vasta Fiorentina (Firenze, Prato, Empoli, Pistoia);
Ce.Ri.On. Centro Riabilitazione Oncologica ISPRO Lilt di Villa delle Rose in collaborazione con LILT Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori Firenze;
FILE Fondazione Italiana di Leniterapia Onlus;
SenoNetwork Italia Onlus, portale che riunisce le Breast Unit italiane.




Participants: 35.912

Funds raised: 700.000 euro

Contributed to:

an innovative project for the entire “Area Vasta” (Florence, Prato, Empoli, Pistoia) focused on the fight against breast cancer and assistance to cancer patients;
L.I.L.T. – Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori (Florence Cancer Association) supporting Ce.Ri.On. ISPRO-LILT Centro Riabilitazione Oncologica (Oncology Center in Florence) of Villa delle Rose;
FILE – Fondazione Italiana di Leniterapia Onlus (palliative care association);



Participants: 30.100

Funds raised: 500.000 euros

Contributed to:
L.I.L.T. – Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori (Florence Cancer Association) supporting Ce.Ri.On. Centro Riabilitazione Oncologica (Oncology Center in Florence);
FILE – Fondazione Italiana di Leniterapia (palliative care association);
the innovative project led by Dr. Angelo Di Leo that wants to ensure the return to normality for thousands of women with breast cancer. The project concentrates on the evaluation of genetic predisposition, fertility preservation, prevention and therapy of induced menopause and osteoporosis.



Participants: 35.100

Funds raised: 550.000 euro

Contributed to:
L.I.L.T. – Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori (Florence Cancer Association) supporting Ce.Ri.On. Centro Riabilitazione Oncologica (Oncology Center in Florence);
FILE – Fondazione Italiana di Leniterapia (palliative care association);
DAMA 25 – Women 25 A program sponsored by ISPO – (the Institute for Oncological Studies and Prevention ) to promote and improve both the dietary habits and the physical activities in high risk young women, in order to reduce the risk of breast cancer;
TECNICA 3D A RISPIRO TRATTENUTO – 3D Breathing techniques – a program for reducing the risk of heart damage in women with breast cancer tumors in the left breast and who are subject to radiotherapy. (this program is sponsored by the National Health Department number 10 of Florence);
APP LILT FLORENCE – APP Italian Cancer Association – for preventive health care by screening and assisting patients in collaboration with ISPO – (the Institute for Oncological Studies and Prevention Florence) and the Florentine National health services for removal of small breast neoplasms;
BREAST LESION EXCISION SYSTEM (BLES) created by the University Teaching Hospital of Careggi.



Participants: 34.000

Funds raised: 540.000 euro

Contributed to:
L.I.L.T. – Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori (Florence Cancer Association) supporting Ce.Ri.On. Centro Riabilitazione Oncologica (Oncology Center in Florence);
FILE – Fondazione Italiana di Leniterapia (palliative care association);
DAMA 25 – Women 25 A program sponsored by ISPO – (the Institute for Oncological Studies and Prevention ) to promote and improve both the dietary habits and the physical activities in high risk young women, in order to reduce the risk of breast cancer;
TECNICA 3D A RISPIRO TRATTENUTO – 3D Breathing techniques – a program for reducing the risk of heart damage in women with breast cancer tumors in the left breast and who are subject to radiotherapy. (this program is sponsored by the National Health Department number 10 of Florence);
APP LILT FLORENCE – APP Italian Cancer Association – for preventive health care by screening and assisting patients in collaboration with ISPO – (the Institute for Oncological Studies and Prevention Florence) and the Florentine National health services for removal of small breast neoplasms;
BREAST LESION EXCISION SYSTEM (BLES) created by the University Teaching Hospital of Careggi.